State Bank of India Central requirement and promotion department
corporate Central Mumbai
went off Bank medical officer advertisement number c r e d /SC
SBI Goverment job Bank Medical Officer Post 56 Online Apply 2019
of our earlier advertisement c r e d 2019 which Medical Council of India extend
revised to registration with the Medical Council of of the candidate who have
already applied for the post in response to our dated need not apply again and
their country Candy nature will be process
instruction of application and payment fee
of the form
Start Date Application 27-08-2019 to
Last Date Apply 19-09- 2019
applications from Indian citizens for appointment to the post of bank medical
officer to apply online through the link given on bank website Bank www dot on
when is deposited with the bank through online mode on or before the last date
for payment of fee are are requested to answer that day full feel the
eligibility criteria for the post as on the date of eligibility upload all
required document resume ID proof address proof age group educational
qualification experience failing which their declaration for shortlist
interview .
Nature of the Engagement
Details of Vicancy PWD
schedule tribe OBC other backward class economical weaker section PWD person
with disability LT locomotor 1 hour in shared hearing impaired visually
impaired includes category but coming in the Grammy there are not intently of
OBC reservation and age relaxation they should indicate their cutting category
age applicable including reservation vacancies mentioned for provisional and
may vary according to the actual requirement of the bank to cancel the
recruitment process eligibility at any time
authority and format published by the government of India will have to be
submitted by the ST SC candidate weaker section requirement age government by
the office memorandum training Ministry of personnel public grievances and
pensions government of India declaration we can see our intensive and
government of India and outcome of any Ling Asan the appointment is provisional
and each subject to the income and assistant certificate
of educational qualification
Bank medical officer bmo ii - those having MBBS degree minimum 5 year experience as General
practice record age on the date of eligibility from the date of registration
with the Medical Council of India national medical Commission for State Medical
Council- those having post graduation degree 3 year experience as a General
practitioner Report as on the date of eligibility from the date of registration
with the Medical Council of India State Medical Council internship will not be
funded to eligibility
on 31 103 2019 MBBS from any recognised University College approved by the
Medical Council of India
Bank medical officer bmo ii- attending
to Elements of officer department pens pens at the bank is dispensary
make necessary arrangements for admission of the bank Indians at a parents
tie UPS with one ka Hospital Diagnostic Centre there periodical visit and
Call letter for interview
call letter for the interview will be sent by email will be uploaded on bank
selection process
selection will be best on shortlisting and interview
fulfilling minimum qualification and experience will not waste any write in
candidate for being called for interview the sorting kanati Institute by the
bank will decide the spot listing parameters and thereafter
merit list- merit list for
selection will be prepared in this sending order on the bus in office code of
date in interview on the interest more than one candidate score the cut off
marks common March and out of the point such candidate will be rent accounting
To Thehre in in descending order in the merit.
Some Useful Important Links कुछ उपयोगी महत्वपूर्ण लिंक
Total Post - 56
Download Notification
Apply Online
Official Website
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