International fertilization Limited
Government of India undertaking Vijaipur district Guna MP
notice for apprentice training
 National Fertilizers Limited a government of India undertaking unit district Guna MP 473111 to engage qualified candidate for undergoing the apprentice training in the following trades for 1 year age for apprenticeship act 1961 and amended 1973 1986 number of post position available education qualification and direction of training Age under.
A-Post under the original director of apprenticeship training act 18
International fertilization Limited Government of India apprentice training Vicancy Online Apply 2019
 number of seats
 educational qualification required
 direction of train
 ITI electrician
 1 year
 as per apprenticeship Act 1961
 instrument mechanic
 ITI instrument mechanic
 1 year
 as per apprenticeship act 1961
 ITI fitter
 1 year
as per apprenticeship act 1961
 ITI welder
 1 year
 as per apprenticeship act 1961
 ITI Machinist
 1 year
 as per apprenticeship actor 1961
 ITI Steno
 1 year
as per apprenticeship act 1961
 Computer operator
 ITI computer operator and programming assistant
 1 year
  as per apprenticeship Act 1961
 B Post under the board of apprenticeship training b o a t
 number of seats
 educational qualification required
 direction of ear 
 graduate apprentice
 b i t c s from
 1 year
 as per apprenticeship Act 1961 
Reservation reservation for apprenticeship will be age for the provisions made in the Apprentice Act 1961 and as amended 1973 1986 and 2000 14
 interested and Eligible Candidate should register their names in the employment exchange for register themselves on online portal www dot government/ Ww w w dot MHRD and thereafter apply to the shipment I am as national fertilization Ltd Vijaypur district Guna MP candidates already undergone apprenticeship training in an organisation will not be eligible for engagement trade apprentice it may please be noted that candidates cannot claim for issue of offer of apprenticeship on the basis of registration the number of position can be increased are discouraged at the sole description of national fertilization Ltd without any notice
 reservation for application apprenticeship will be as per the provisions made in the apprentices Act 1961 and amended 1973 1986 and 2014
 selection will be made as per the merit drum on the basis of marks amended in relevant trade
 is the requirement is immediately candidate are advised to register their name are apply online immediately
 candidates who meet the specification may reply to chief manager at the above mentioned address with complete biodata in the following format with him 20 days from the date of publication of this advertisement along with photocopy of all certificates in support of age qualification and assistant property of SC ST OBC disability certificate in The prescribed proforma issued by the component authority
 advertisement number be post applied for C name d father name date of birth if present address permanent address qualification which detail of year of passing divisions and percentage of marks of 10th name of the institute whether belong to ST SC OBC physical handicapped If yes please state sub caste registration number on online portal signature of the applicant
 incomplete applications shall not be considered and No correspondence cell be entertained   

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