Writing your “About Us” page on your website https://exampeper.blogspot.com/ can be fun and enjoyable. The page is a space for you to get creative, personal, and basically initiate a personal introduction with your customers.
Here are 6 points to remember when creating your “About Us” page so that you’ll make the most positive impact possible and win over your customers’ hearts and their business.
Be factual
The “About Us” page is a way to earn trust and there’s no quicker way to lose that trust than to be caught lying to the public.
Make sure that any claims you make, the information you divulge or the things you say in your “About Us” page are actually true.
Write in a friendly style, but tailor it for your audience
Take a really good look at who you’re writing for. While the rule that you should tailor your website writing to your client base stands true for all areas of your website, this is perhaps most important in the “About Us” page.
This is because on this page is where you’ll relate to your customer in a personal way and win over customers.
You can have the best product ever for a new mom, but if she doesn’t trust the way you portray your company in the “About Us” section, she probably won’t buy it.
Likewise, a CEO of a Fortune 500 company may be considering your product, but if your “About Us” page isn’t written with enough of a professional tone of authority, you may lose that enterprise customer to a different company that does the same thing as you but talks about it better.
Don’t use a lot of jargon in your “About Us” page
Write simply and clearly, in a friendly and realistic tone that you know your specific audience will relate to and appreciate.
Put important things first
People have short attention spans and you won’t have much time to either win them over or lose them to another company.
Think about what the most important things you want to convey are, and put these things first.
Use formatting
Another thing you can do to help present information effectively and help keep a reader’s attention is to use formatting.
Write short and simple sentences, shorter paragraphs, and use things like bullet points, images to break up text, and different sized or bold font.
Little things like breaking up a paragraph or turning a longer sentence into a bullet-pointed list can go a long way when someone’s reading your page.
Be personal, authentic and heartfelt
Tell your story. Be real. Like we said earlier, the “About Us” page is the place where you get to differentiate your company and your products from every single other similar company out there in the world.
Here’s where your personal story can make all the difference. People love seeing the story behind the outcome. Ask yourself:
  • What or who inspired you to create your company or your products?
  • What are you adding or hoping to add to the world with your company or products?
  • How has your company/products changed your life and the life of those around you?
Get personal, and be real.
You won’t lose credibility with people for being a huge, reputable company now that was in the past a part-time basement hobby.
In fact, quite the opposite. People love a success story, and love to support things they can relate to.
Get in touch with what inspired you and tell it in a way that can inspire others, and it more likely than not will do just that.
Use pictures, or even videos
Consider adding a picture or even a video of behind the scenes at your company, or something that shows who and what you’re all about. Even an artistic picture of your top-selling product can make your “About Us” page stand out from text-only pages.
Use real people. What do your employees and customers say?
People relate to people. When you’re selling a product or service, the best way to make people see how it can benefit them and be used in their own lives is to do just that: show them how it benefits others and is used by others, just like them.
Customer testimonials are a tried and true way to demonstrate the effectiveness and popularity of a product. Call on your customers to submit testimonials that you can then use to let their talking speak for your product.
It also helps build trust in a company and give faces to the name when you showcase your employees on your “About Us” page. Your customers will enjoy seeing that glimpse into your company, and it will remind them that there are real people behind the product.

Examples of “About Us” pages

Let’s take a look at some “About Us” pages from various companies that do a fantastic job of presenting themselves to the world.
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