UPSC CDS I Notifications संघ लोक सेवा आयोग ने सामान्य रक्षा सेवा परीक्षा

CDS I Notifications विज्ञापन प्रकाशित किया है सभी उम्मीदवारों से निवेदन है की UPSC CDS EXAM I के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले रोजगार सम्बन्धी सभी आवश्यक जानकारियां पढ़ ले उसके बाद ही आवेदन करे

“kSf{kd ;ksX;rk  ¼Qualification)

Xkzstq,”ku fMxzh bathfu;fjax  es d`I;k lVhd tkudkjh das fy, bl ukSdjh ds fy, izdkf”kr uksfVfQds”ku  t:j ns[ks


inks dk uke

inks dh la[;k -345 in

lkekU; j{kk lsok ijh{kk



ukSdjh izdkf”kr gksus dh frfFk 28-10-2020

vkosnu djus ds fy, frfFk 17-11-2020


vk;q lhek

21&35 o"kZ d`Ik;k vk;q es NwV ,ao vU; tkudkfj;ks ds fy, izdkf”kr uksfVfQds”ku nsf[k;s



flysD”ku& bl  eas fyf[kr  ijh{kk @ lk{kkRdkj es vuqlkj dSfMMsV dk flysD”ku gxk p;u izfdz;k dh lEiw.kZ tkudkjh ds fy, uhps t:j psd djs



lSyjh fdruh feysxh

  osrueku 10000&-18000 jgsxk d`i;k lSyjh lacaf?kr vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, bl dk t:j psd djs


vkosnu dSls djs  & bPNqd mEEkhnokj vkosnu dj ldrs gS blds fy, uhps fn, x, vkosnu fyad ij fDyd djs d`i;k vkosnu djus ls vkaQhf”k;y t:j psd djs




(COMMISSION,S    WEBSITE: www.upsc .gov. in)


1.CANDIDATES  TO  ENSURE  THEIR  ELIGIBILITIY  FOR  THE  EXAMINATIO N:  All candidates (male/female /transgender) are requested to carefully read  the rules of combinet Geo- scientist  examination  notified by the Government (ministry  of  mines) and the  notice of Examination derived from  these rules.candidates  applying. for the examination  should ensure that  they fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to the examination .their admission at  all stages of the Examination will be purely provisional  subject   to satisfying  the prescribed eligibility  conditions.

Mere issue of admission certificate to the candidate  will not imply that his her candidature has been finally cleared   by the commission.

Verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents is taken up only after the candidate has qualified for interview /personality test.


Candidates are required to apply  online only by using the website https:// upsconline .nic .in.       Brief instructions  for filling up the online application from have been given in appendix- ii .detailed instruction are available on  the above mentioned website.

2.1 candidate should have details of one photo ID card viz Adhaar card /voter /  card /pen card /passport /driving licence/ Any other photo ID  card issued by the state /central Government. The details of this photo ID card well have to be provided by the candidate while filling up the online application from the candidates will have to be upload  a scanned copy of the photo ID whose details have been provided in the online application by him /her .this photo ID     card will be used for all future referencing and the candidate is advised to carry this photo ID  card while appearing for Examination/personalitytest.

2.2 The facility of withdrawal of application is available  for those candidates who do not want to appear for the Examination in this regard , instructions are mentioned in Appendix –ii(B)of this Examination notice                     


(I)the online application can be filled up to 27th ,October ,2020 till 18.00H  Hours.

(ii)the online Application can be withdrawn from 04.11.2020 to  10.11.2020 till 18.00Hours 

4.the eligible candidates shall be issued an e-admission certificate three weeks before the commencement  of the examination .downloading by  candidates. No.admission  certificate will  be made available in the UPSC

Website [https// upsconline .nic in ] for downloading by candidate . no. admission  certification will be sent by post’.all the application  are required to previde .valid active E-mail I.D while filling up online  application from  

As the commission may use electronic mode for contacting them at different  stages of examination process .


Important Useful Link

Apply Online

Click Here

Official website

Click Here

Download Notifications(Hindi)

Click Here