शिक्षक शिक्षा के लिए राष्ट्रीय परिषद
National Council for teacher education
Requirement for the post of assistant stenographer grade c stenographer Grade D lower division clerk LDC and data entry operator in National Council for teacher education ncte.
 the National Council for teacher education and cte is a stator body established under the nct a city with a view to HIV plant and coordinated development of the teacher education system throughout the country the Council of financially at New Delhi

 Computer  based  test  examination
 candidates are required to apply online through the ncte website www.ncte.gov.in  no other means/ mode of submission of application will be accepted the schedule of online application is as under.

 important dates

NCTE   Website- www.ncte.gov.in
Open Online registration 
Last date for online registration
Last date for fee submission

General instructions for filling up of application-
  1. The candidate shall apply through online mode only as per the qualifications and eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement
  2.  Wafa is starting to fill up the online application keep ready with you the following detail documents information
  3.  email ID
  4.  mobile number
  5.  personal and educational qualification detail
  6.  detail of debit card credit card net banking for make in key of Ras 1250 han the group the post of assistant and stroke stenographer and Rs 1 1000 for the group c post of store no grid the data entry operator and LDC no fee for SC ST/ ncte employers and ex servicemen category and women
  7.  scanned copy of recent photograph note more more than 3 weeks old in JPG format
  8.  scanned copy of Signature with black in pen in JPG format

 how to apply
Step- I
1  20 dates are required to apply online for National Council for teacher education website www.ncte.govt.in  only Ee no other men's mode of application will be accepted

2   application once submitted cannot we withdrawCandidates may visit our website www.ncte.gov.in vacancy
  • Candidates agreeing the terms and conditions may apply we click I agree checkbox pressing start button will apply online
  •  the candidate should fill up all the the desert information personal detail contact detail etc directory
After registration a candidates has to login and complete other detail in the application for like personal detail qualification detail experience detail and Declaration etc
  • Photograph image must be a recent passport size photo colour picture on light background
  •  look strength at the camera with a relax face
  •  signature image the applicant has to to sign on on white paper with black ink pen the signature must be signed only by the applicant and not be any other person
  •  certificate image- please scan the relevant certificates
  •  certificate in JPG/jpeg/pdf format only size of the should be between 50 KB- 1 1000 KB
Detail of vacancy
 the post wise and category wise breakup of vacancies with pay scale and age limit as on date of advertisement as under

Post code
 Pay level as per7th cpc
upper age limit as on date of advertisement
 level 6 r s 35400- 112400
 between 20 To 27 year
Stenographer grade c
between 20 To 27 year
Stenographer Grade D
label aur RS 25500-  81100
between 20 To 27 year
 data entry operator-1
0 1
level aur RS 25500-81100
between 20 To 27 year
 lower division colour
 level 2 rs 19900- 63200
between 20 To 27 year

Note- reservation for SC ST OBC PH women category will be age for government of India rules
5-education qualification and eligibility criteria
 detail regarding essential and dis Rebel qualification for various category of post relaxation of age and other related detail are given below.

Post name
 qualification and experience
 essential:- degree from a recognised University
  desirable- 2 year experience in general administrator account facility in computer application
 stenographer grade c
1-10+2  from a recognised Board of University
2- speed of of 100 words per minute in English/ Hindi shorthand
3- skill of data entry and word processing in computer knowledge of both English and Hindi stenographer
 data entry operator
1-10+2  from a recognised Board of University
2- speed of of 100 words per minute in English/ Hindi shorthand
3- skill of data entry and word processing in computer knowledge of both English and Hindi stenographer
Stenographer Grade D
1-10+2  from a recognised Board of University
2- speed of of 100 words per minute in English/ Hindi shorthand
3- skill of data entry and word processing in computer knowledge of both English and Hindi stenographer
lower division colour
1-10+2  from a recognised Board of University
2- speed of of 100 words per minute in English/ Hindi shorthand
3- skill of data entry and word processing in computer knowledge of both English and Hindi stenographer

The step by step process for submitting the application for the requirement is given below
Step 1- Registration of personal detail and contracts detail login ID and password will be sent to you on registered email ID 
Step 2- Login to complete the personal detail experience detail qualification detail and declaration in the online application form

Some Useful Important Links

Number of post-18

Apply online
Official website
Download Notifications
NCTE Recruitment Apply online 2020 इस जानकारी को अपने रिश्तेदार /दोस्तों तक पहुंचाएं ताकि सभी विद्यार्थी अपना रिजल्ट/form घर बैठे अपने मोबाइल पर देख सकते हैं

नीचे दिए गए व्हाट्सएप और फेसबुक ईमेल के माध्यम से आगे फारवर्ड करें पहुंचाएं