BDS syllabus and subjects
syllabus year - 1
1. General women anatomy including Embryology and Histology head and
neck anatomy
2. general human Physiology and biochemistry nutrition and
3. dental anatomy embryology and oral Histrology
4. dental material
5. Preclinical Prosthodontics
and Crown and Bridge
year 2
1. Ineral Pathology and microbiology
2. general and Dental Pharmacology and therapeutics
3. Preclinican conservative Dentistry.
4. Preclinical Prosthosdontics And Crown and Bridge.
5. oral pathology and oral microbiology
syllabus year 3
1. Eneral medicine
2. general surgery
3. oral pathology and microbiology
4. Conservtive Dentistry and Endodontics.
5. oral and maxillofacial Orthopedics
6. oral medicine and radiology
7. Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics
8. you don't ology periodontology
syllabus year 4
1. Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics
2. oral medicine and radiology
3. optics and preventive dentistry
4. Periodontology
5. oral and low facial surgery
6. prosthodontist and Crown and Bridge
7. conservative dentistry and Indo x Endodontics
8. public health dentistry