Jabalpur Divisional Office
Life Insurance Corporation of india online application from eligible india citizens for empanelment for appointment to the post of Assistant for performing the various duties of clencal start including cashier single window operator customer service etc.In branch offices of the corporation the Jabalpur Division against the sald vacancies. Candidate apply through On-line mode only.No means mode of application will be acceted.

Reservation for scheduled castes tribos other Backward classes weaker section Ex-serviceman and persons with disabillties snall be as per rules and areas under.
SC:  scheduled caste; ST:scheduled tribe; OBC: other backward classes section; EXSM; ex-serviceman; HI: Hear important ;ID: interna disability MD multiple disability.
The total number of vacancies are provisional and may to the actual requlrements. The actual requirement the will be as the of tinalization of result this recrument tor post of 18.06. 2001 of the CGIT new
NOTE ; candidate shold apph only
Further in case of multiby a for  candidate for other different divisions  of mutifle application for the same division application amnorgst these be considered
Reservation for person with mark disaliline
Four percent holizental provided person with benchmark disabilities as per section 34 of Right of person with disabilitesAct 2016 the person of under stand categories of disabilities may apply :
A.    Locomoter disability (LD); person of disability of one leg one ofleproy person cereocaldaisy dwarfism muscular attak in the of APwD act 2016 whold be coverd under provide indepdent mobility shot affected .
B.  Visual impairment (VI).
Candidates with visual impairment defined under the schedule of RPwAct are 2016 aligible  to apply .
C.hearing impairment (HI)persons with deaf ano hard disability as dalined under the RPwD Act 2016 are alibigle to apply .
D. intellectual disability (ID)
Person having intellectual as difined  under the scheduleof RPwD 2016 are eligible of apply.
E. multiole disability (MI)
Person more than with one above  disability as difined under the schedule of RPwD Act are 2016 aligible apply .
Note ; only person with disabilities as difined under section 2 of the Right of person with disability Act . 2016 whold of for re4servation                  
A person who wants to of reservau will haveto submion sabllily eerilicatcate issled by acompetent authority as rpwd act 2016 suchcerlificate will be s ubject to veniticaion as may by decided by liC
2     schdule of evants
the tentative schedule to unde

Start dato for aegisnauna applieationand onlinpayment applieation fee/inlimaticn charo
Last date for online   payment of application
Download of call letter for online preliminary  examination

From 15.10.2019 to 22.10.2019
Dates of online Examination preliminary

21&22 october 2019
Dates of online Examination
Will be inform later

Candidates are advised to regulary keep in touch with the authorized LIC website for details and updates.
 3.  Eligiblity Conditions:
Eligibility Conditions as on 01.09.2019    be as under
Minimum age under be 18 year completed as on 01.09.2019 maximum age shall not be more than  30 years candidates must have  seen born not earlier  02.09.2019 october  later than 01.09.2001 born days inclusive only are eligible)

Relaxation in Age
Relaxations under age limit for scheduled

“Bachelor:s (10+2+3 paltern)in and disclplion a reconnize Universay
For Ex.
(1)(10+2+3 pattem):who  have put in 10 years service
(2)who have in atleeast 15 years service
(3)soonding examination in air force

. Candidates should education quaticauon possessay them  shall be as prascribed educational mentioned in the adverinseman above criteria. No equivalent quolitication be consibered
.  all the educatlonal  be from a Unive Bcard reoogeizod by Govt. of india /app Govemnont Requlatory bodiss should have been declared on  or before proper from Bord result on or before be at selection. The date examilns which is redned will be the date or passing appearing provisisnal certiocare 
. Temperary Empoyees woeked lor peried of 86 years ofter 01.06.2008 and by life Termporary Staff) and tho canform to the appcinment on the may also apply. Such limit will be allowed.
.  Those Temporaty have wori minimu of any two consecutive calendar who are by the Corpoadon onteua (Employment of Temon instructions. 1993 and who conlom the reqelred eliailiity cuitua lor regular aplntmet cate of their lempoary are covered by the Oderrs/Award of hon’t /Tcibunal to relacattion appy
4. Emoiuments and Benefits:
Basic Pay of Rs 14435% Per Scale Rs. 14435.84(1()-15275- 17 – 1050)- 2225-1195 (2)-24645-14551(3)-29010-1510(2) 10(5)-40080 and aiher aclmissible nbnces Per ruies Tctai emoiomens at ths m(1) ciosive raduation inciemen ances as Per tctai emoiomeits at mfnutst  inclugive ddaion lncieme Rent Allawance & Clty Cornipesary Allowance wbecve depeooing uop  fne ciassflloao the city and maai  coucon wil be approxinimetefy Rs 30 .00 in A Closa olty Othor benefit o a, G Deilined Contributory pension Gtatuly LTO Caan Medioasl vediciaim ioup pomonal Acot insurance Gronuo lnsuranoe vehiaie Loan [2-wnoolwr ] as pai 
Conirrmed LIC emplayea  on epunin Asststant st all be ellgibe for fixai as exusng of the Conporation
5. Choice of Divisional Olllce loi 
The candidates will be compe candidates who have appiied for  ainpaeiment  appoinimen tn the Division chosen No Candice considered  post in the Dvivdi than the one chosen hy hinfner in the Divisional specll select the Divi pltice tor appliatlc  No change in the Divisional perrissible at a , laler date Canadates shouid subnmit the application only for ONE dlvisi   sl oub boboose a pince specin his Divisicry es esutnma cenre Exeminallon cenire spee for the Division not be allowed Corpoanion has the nghi to ati candidate
Srvice Conditions
The senvice conditions vili per prevaent rfies of the UO time to time The selecteo
Online Form Apply Useful link
Online Apply
Official website
Notification pdf Download