SCIR-Centrl Drugs ResearchI Instrute Iucknow
Councll of Scientific and Indesrial
Secter 10,Janakpuram Extension ,SitapurRod,
Adverisement No 07\2019 URL For Online Application; https//recuit. cdri. res;
Acess link’SCIENTIST RECRUIMENT -2019’on
Important Date & Time Table
Start Date for Regestration for online Application ; Friday 16Agust 2019;10;00
Last Date for
Registration for online Application :
Monday, 30 September2019; 23.59 Hrs IST
Last Date for
Submission of online Application: Monday, 30 September
Last dete of receipt of
physical copy of application at
cdri ; Tuesday, 15 october2019
A unique
opportunitu for research career in science s technollongy in the area of drugs , pharmaceuticals and
biomedical research csir-central drug research institute
,lucknow ,a premire institute under council of scientific and industrial
research ( csir) , involved in multidisciplinary R&D programs of both basic
and applied nature . CSIR – CDRI is a
pioneer biomedical research organization in india and has the infrastructure
and expertise to develop a drug from conceptualization . in the year 2012 ,
CSIR-CDRI shifted to its state of the
art new campus , which has been set up with a vision to serve as anodal center
of CSIR in new drug discovery and development .spread across 61 acres, it
houses an R&D complex , support services ,Guest house , hostel and staff
Quarters. Please visit https://www.cdri.res . in for further information .
With the air to expand and strengthen the areas of ageing biology ,neurobiology
,medicinal and natural product chemistry
,virology ,pre_clinical and clinical development ,endocrinology ,toxicology the
institute is looking for enthusiastic ,talented young researchers /
professionals with brilliant academic record ,proven scientific achievements
and zeal to conduct research as per the mandate of the institute alignetd with national missions .due weightage
will be given to the candidetes involven in the product development /technology
innovation/applied technics / translation research .the positions offer
exciting opportunities for career growth as per the flexible complementing
scheme for scientists.
are invited from motivated young Indian
nationals with requisite qualification and experience for the following posts
as per the details given below .the
emoluments and age limit for various posts as per norms is summarized as below:-
No. of posts
Pay Level
*Total Emoluments
**Upper Age Limit not exceeding{as on
last dete}
[UR-3;sc-1;st-1;OBC-1; EWS-1; pwD-2 [backlog]
Rs. 67,700/-
Senior scientist
08 UR/Lateral Entry
Principal Scientist
1 UR/Lateral Entry
Unreserved; SC: Scheduled Caste; ST: Scheduled Tribe; OBC: Other Backward Class;
PwD : Person
with Disability.
Economically Weaker Section;
Scientist and Principal Scientist Posts are lateral entry posts, in which
reservation is not applicable.
total emoluments on minimum of scale including House Rent Allowance in Lucknow
** please
see age relaxation under Relaxation column.
under Council
A] these posts carry usual allowances I e dearness allowance
[da] house rent allowance [hra ] transport allowance [ta] etc. as admissible to
the centaral government employwws and as
made applicable to cslr depending on availability in which ccase hra will not
be abmissible
b. in addition to the emolummmuments indicated against each
category of posts , benefits such as applicability rules depending on
availability in which case hra will not be admissible .
b. in addition to the emoluments indicated against each
category of posts benefits , benefits such as applicability of new ppension
scheme 2004, reimbursements of medical expenses leave travel concession
conveyance advanceand house buiding advance are available as per cslr rules
c. science may also be permitted to undertake consultancy and
sponsored rgd project activity as per csir these alsobe permitted advance to
undertake consultancy and sponsored project activity as per csir rules these
activities give them scope to earn consultancy and sponsored project activity
as per rules these activities
opportunities also exists for foreign dequtations for training / presentation
of papers give them scope to earn consultancy fee and honorarium as per
training / presentation of papers / specific assignments also exists for
foreign dequtations for training/ presentation of papers / specific assignments
d. c provides excellent
opportunities to deserving
candidates for career advancement under assessment promotion scheme for scientists .
e. deserving candidates may be considered for advance for
advance increment as per rules .
2. other conditions
a. the applicant must be a citizen of india .
B. all applicants must fulfill the essential
requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement
as on the last data of submission of
online application i. e. 30. 09. 2019. The prescribed essential qualifications
are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates
assent qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be
called for interview the duly constituted screening committee will adopt its
own criteria for short – listing the candidates. The candidate should therefore
, mention in the application all the
qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and above the minimum
prescribed and experiences . the
candidate should therefore mention in the the application all the
qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and ab ove the minimum
prescribed qualification , supported with documents to be submitted with the
hard copy [print-out] of the application . completion of ph.
D . In respect of equivalent clause
in application for each post, generated after filling online application from,
should by self- attested copies of the relrevent educational qualification,
experience. Candidate should submit hard copy in separated enovelop with
post-code. Reuired to p[roduct order/letter in this.
E. The period of experience renderd
by a candidate on part time basis,daily wages, visiting/guest faculty will not
be caunted while calculating the vailed experience for shorte listing the
candidate for interview.
F. If any document/ certificate
furnished is in a language other than hindi of English, a transcript of the
same duly attested by a Gazetted officer or notary is to be submitted.
G. The date for determining the upper
age limit, qualification and /or experience shall be the closing date
prescribed for submission of online application i.e.30.09.2019.
H. The peripd of experience in a
discipline / area of work , wherever precibel ,shall be counted ofter the date
of acquiring the minimum prescribel educational qualification prescribel for
that Grade.
I.Person with Disabilities (PwD)
fulfilling the eligibility condition
prescribed under GOl instruction are encouraged to apply.
In case a candidate is stying abrode, his/her candidate may be considred
in absentia by the selection committee on his/her written reqest.
K.Only outstation candidate called for
interview will be paid to-and for-singel second class rail fere from the actual
of undertaking the jornery or from the present address in application from
whichever is nerrer to luknow Railway Staion on production of proof of journey
performed whiyhin india. Candidate who are already in the servise of the
centrel/state Govt. a centrel/state agovt.
Short Details of Notification
CSIR government jobs post 18 online Apply 2019
Online Apply
Official website
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