CPCT computer proficiency certification test
computer proficiency and certification test cpct as a mandatory eligibility criteria for various job positions clerical grade 3 office assistant data entry operator etc in various government departments and agency where working knowledge of computer and typing skills are basic job requirements.

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CPCT Exam-

 about computer proficiency certification test cpct
 computer literacy has created many opportunities especially with the Global advance payment towards digitalization AC working proof computer is a smart move to increase your potential digital India Electronic Service Delivery one of the most critical components and Rajput dental And Rajput search T20 foods to promote Information Technology as a solution to improve performance of government system.
 computer has also become essential recruitment in various clerical office support positions in the departments Corporation Agencies under Government of MP service unit for day today working computers and digital recorders are consultancy replacing old paper waste system
 of trending and essential skill candidates are often assistant on the basis of Computer training certificates provided by various agencies and sometimes through personal interview many times computer professor appeared in such certification process does not reflect in real-time performance of human resources appointed as of now there are no fixed and will the accepted standard for computer proficiency and no such global National certificate in available
 cpct As mended
 Government of MP it's order certificate office Dated 26 February 2015 hi Ritik organised computer proficiency and certification test cpct as a mandatory eligibility criteria for various job positions clerical grade 3 office assistant data entry operator etc in various government departments and agency where working knowledge of computer and typing skills are basic job requirements.
 candidates wishing to get employee in such government jobs will be required to participate in the cpct to get the score card this score card will help requirement to who invented computer through efficiency and aligned skill of candidate cpct score card will be referred in requirement for search position in state government corporations boards and all other agencies
 objective of conducting cpct
1 setting up a common uniform testing system for assessment of basic computer skills and typing proficiency
2 develop and suspend computer proof efficient talentpool certificate again acceptable standard for computer and keyboard CNC
3 to facility all the government departments corporations boards and all the other Agencies for or there really want human resources requirement and various level
4 to develop transparent for object oriented and scientifically design system to access relevant cape of candidate to referring requirements in various government department cooperation board and all other agencies
 CPC certification to assess computer and skills
 cpct is a computer best examination to access to computer related competitions using multiple choice questions and typing skills in English and Hindi
 MCQ on the following competitions
1 basic knowledge of computer operations
2 laity which computer hardware and software
3 proficiency general it skills such as networking internet email etc
4 reading comprehension skills
5 mathematical reasoning skills
6 general awareness
 typing test for the following competitions
1 typing in English language
2 typing in Hindi
 description cpct certification text is to access and certified candidate relevant in computer operations and touching is a skill that may be required to work efficiently in government set up cpct is only in pre required mint by its mendes in leather verify applicant educational qualification novel validate any other eligibility for a government job
 certified candidates would apply separately and fulfill the other required required eligibility criteria for a particular position that a government department organisation has invited application for government departments organisations may ask for higher score and speed in any reception as per its jobs requirement and reference.
 m a t nodal agency to conduct cpct
 Madhya Pradesh agency for promotion of Information Technology is an autonomous society under the Department of Science and Technology e Government of MP promoted by the government of Madhya Pradesh to to implement the state it policy map party also act as an agency to serve as nodal agency to to profile the growth of Information Technology and enabling e-governance in government department agency is to deliver citizen service through electronic means
 cbct protocol 
registration for cpct  the registration facility is available in both Hindi and English for the candidate that it need to register themselves on the cpct portal are map it portal for appearing in cpct the hotel is browser Independent and can be persistent through R commonly and currently used browser and hand held device To the portal provide a dirty chat section for candidate registration where candidate has to provide their basic detail and Declaration to register themselves
 test he is test fees
 the fees for appearing on scheduled test that is Rs 660 only the scheduled date will be announced on cpct portal the test That can be prepared using flowing medium
1 online payment online payment can be done using net banking credit card debit card through multiple gateways available on cpct portal
Online Apply   form
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