Broadcasting engineering consultants India Limited
a government of of enterprise under ministry broadcasting

Online form Apply website

vacancy notice
BECI India Limited Goverments Jobs post 23 Online Apply 2019

Date of opening
09-09- 2019
date of closing
Online registration portal`
registration document verification wood sufficient through sms
tentative date 20-09-2019 to 25-09-2019
date of joining
candidates who are selected cell have a join on 01- 10- 2019 at Uttar Pradesh

a broadcasting engineering consultants India Limited a mini Patna Central Public Sector Enterprise invited Eligible Candidate for selected off of skill employees on contract basis for some of our government project.

 evolution criteria
 role and responsibility
 requirement maggot increase screen as per the requirement
 consultant salary CTC per month
 senior analyst
 graduation in GIS MSc master in GIS b e civil jio Informatics
 experience- at least 2 years
 age limit 18 year and maximum 35 years
 responsible for conducting Aero New tickle surveyor data management quality control of Survey data preparation of survey and rounded cartography chart image processing etc
 analyst GIS
 MSc in GIS master in GIS r d e civil jio Informatics are diploma in civil engineering with 2 years of relevant experience are diploma in GIS Remote Sensing with 2 year of relevant experience
 age limit minimum 18 year and maximum 35 years
 responsible for conducting around surveyor around tickle data management quality control of severe data the difference of server and around eagle cartography chart image processing ATC

State service deployed government airport project across the country on the following terms and conditions
1 the candidate must be physically and mentally fit to work in all weather condition as the nature of job involved experience field work approach India
2 the employee Selvi appointed on the payroll of b e l implied Agency auger deployment will be done through b e l to the the principal employer 
3 Different will be given to the candidates who are already in just in the similar instrument
4 the employee salary paid salary as per contract between BEL and principal employer
5 the contribution of EPF employee and employer contribution insurance renewal and another set iterative the cell be conducted from the accident salary of the employee in the rounded which responsible for ATC
5all the rights are received will the principal employer and the contractor on modify extended can conduct the contract without any period notice
 date off interaction document verification would be informed through SMS as well as notification on the website https://www.becil.comt The tentative date of of interaction document verification
6 The candidates who are selected sale have to join immediately at the place of posting

The candidate Selvi deployed at government project live Vidyut Vitran Nigam Uttar Pradesh on the following terms and conditions.
1  applying for the job must be of physical and mental health and shop not be under the influence of any drug are liquid during the duty and have full knowledge and experience to component complete the job testing rest assigned to them in the class it is found that any lowest to the property interest of the employee due to such employee.
2-  preference will be given to the candidates who are injured in the similar assessment
3- the employee salary paid salary as per the minimum wage act 1948 as per government of Uttar Pradesh subject to the emulation received from the principal employer
4-  of the The contribution of EPF and all the the history be deducted from the salary of the employee in Accord recording with respective history act
5- in case of rural area where ESI facility is not available WC policy be given to the Employees
6- place of posting duty. Maybe transfer travel every three month and will be age decided by the principal employer and contractor in the interest of the world project posting posting maybe Annie circle with Vitran Nigam Uttar Pradesh
7- along with application for online www Along with sketch of self attested photocopy or education or experience certificate to passport size photograph then card Aadhar card there is no need to submit these documents in physical form of Online submission

registration fees- non refundable registration fee of Rs 500 rupees only for general and OBC candidate and Rs 250 rupees 250 only for SC ST pH candidate by only neft RTGS in favour of broadcasting engineering consultants India Limited as per the flowering that details.
Online Apply
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